Hopefully little Sydney didn't 'come out fightin' too hard, but she did come out rather early in the morning! Laila Ali (daughter of Muhammad Ali) and her husband Curtis welcomed Sydney at 3:00 am on Monday, April 4th in Los Angeles. The couple already has a son, Curtis, age 2-1/2.

With 6 planets in Aries, there are many ways for Sydney to test herself and her courage other than boxing, but wanting to follow in mom's footsteps certainly doesn't seem at all out of the astrological spectrum. Planets in the 2nd house are representative of the drive to test ourselves and believe in ourselves. Sydney is learning courage, and to risk. She will do well, soulfully speaking, whenever she bets on herself and dares to find out what she's made of, even if the outcome isn't a 'win' by external standards.
But with mom's and grandpa's genes and this chart ... I think this kid might give mom a run for her money!

Photo: Bauer Griffin