Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sweet and the City: Sarah Jessica Parker and Family

In a Parade Magazine interview, Sarah Jessica Parker reveals that while she is eternally enamored with New York and is married to the love of her life, that's the closest she typically gets to the similarities with her character, Carrie Bradshaw.
"I love just being with my family -- going to the grocery store, cooking dinner, putting my twins to bed, changing their diapers, getting my older son ready for school and packing his lunch. Staying home with my family and my husband is the thing I love most in the world. Is it sexy? I don't know about that, but it sure is fun and it's definitely unpredictable."
 There's some great family dynamics between the charts of each of the Broderick-Parker clan (there are only four charts since the twins' charts are essentially the same). For one thing, the romance between mom and dad is pretty nice. Sarah's Venus  (style of relating & romantic connection) is in the same spot as Matthew's Sun (core identity), and it's practically reciprocal since they both have Venus and the Sun in Aries. It's important to be attracted to your partner, and these two surely are, but there's also a sense of likability between the two. 

When our partner's chart connects to our Venus as they both do to each other, we are simply charmed by them. We like them, and we are prone to liking them even when they annoy us, so we may not be able to stay mad (or stay away) for long. When our partner touches our Sun in a harmonious way, again as they both do for each other, there is a feeling that we can be our true selves around them, like something about them helps us to be centered in ourselves. Their Mars are opposed each other, his in Pisces, hers in Virgo, which can seem like a negative things, and while it can have them butting heads sometimes, it also keeps the heat alive between them. It's good to have a little edge between partners, otherwise they might bore each other to death, but not so much that they can't get along, so they share a great mix.

The powerful Venus connection runs in the family! Sarah, Matthew, and James all have Venus right next to, if not right on top of, their Sun, and the twins have Venus closely related to another powerful planet, their Mars. The twins were born on a new moon, which means both their Sun and Moon are fused tightly together in the sign of Cancer, and Matthew's protective Mars in Pisces makes a lovely trine to their Sun/Moon. He's likely to have the right kind of gentle attitude toward the twins and helps them feel sheltered. James' Leo Moon is in another lovely trine with both mom and dad's Suns & Venuses, and Sarah's Jupiter touches the twins' Mars and Venus, lending them encouragement and open-heartedness.

Given so many Venus connections in this family, I'd say there's a lot of joy in this family and a real ability to get along easily with one another. No wonder Sarah just wants to stay at home with her family all the time!
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