Saturday, March 30, 2013

Aries Signature Star Child: Mabel Ray Willis

Mabel Ray, daughter of Bruce Willis and wife Emma Hemming, is our featured Aries Signature Star Child!

Already a proud papa to three beautiful daughters (Rumer, a Leo, Scout  a Cancer, and Tallulah, an Aquarius), Aries Mabel was born in 2012 and will be a year old next month. An early snapshot of Bruce and his new daughter sent fans swooning, no doubt.

Unless she was born in the very wee hours of the morning, Mabel was born with the moon in charming Leo, and she'll probably relish the attention typically afforded to the youngest of the family. Get in line, dad; with three big sisters to fawn over her, she's got her own fan club!

Although she's an enthusiastic Aries Sun and playful Leo Moon kiddo (that's a high-energy double-fire combo!), she's not always running at off-the-chart speeds. Her Mars, the planet of action, is in cautious Virgo, which, combined with the creativity of a Leo Moon, can prompt her to be very specific in what she wants to create and how she wants to do it. Stand back and let her work, though; she'll want the room to do her own thing and be in charge

More on that from her Kiddiegram report:
There is a natural performer in her, and she needs to have a medium through which to express her dramatic, creative side, a place where she can really shine out.

     Also, she likes to make her own choices and decisions, and this should be allowed for as much as possible. Try not to engage her in power struggles over matters that are really not so important. She can be intensely persistent and willful!
Want your own user's manual for your precious kiddo? 
Surf over to Planet Kiddie!

Previous Aries Signature Star Children:
Satyana Marie Denisof
Suri Cruise

Check out other Aries celebri-tots in Hollywood!

*Mabel's birth time is not publicly known, so a sunrise chart was created.

Image of Bruce Willis is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Credit: Gage Skidmore


Wednesday, March 06, 2013

February CeleBaby Round Up featuring Holden John Dorough

That Backstreet Boy is no boy! Howie Dorough and his wife Leigh welcomed their second child, Holden John, on the morning of February 16th, reported.

This boy is definitely going to be a sweetheart, with a mellow Taurus moon and three planets in gentle Pisces. He is an intellectual Aquarius but dreamy Neptune hovers close enough to his Sun that he will certainly combine original thinking, creativity, and imagination in some of the best ways. 

Venus, the planet of charm and creativity, lies very close to his Aquarius Ascendant, so he'll get along well with others in general with a tendency to put his best foot forward, but he'll definitely display a quirky personality to make him well-liked as well as standing out.

Maybe he'll take all that creativity and follow in dad's footsteps!

Mlle. Kiddie also sends happy wishes to these celebrities who welcomed babies in February:
  • Bryan Adams and Alicia Grimaldi welcomed a baby girl born just before Valentine's Day at teatime in London! Lula RosyLea.